Sunday, November 21, 2010

NDSU Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser

It has been a little while since I have written a post, but things have been slower this month in the pageant world.  I have been keeping very busy with school as I am approaching the end of the semester!  I still stay involved with Habitat for Humanity with our weekly meetings.  Last night was Club NDSU night on campus.  Once a month Campus Attractions holds a free event on campus for students and another NDSU organization raises funds for their group.  They play music for dancing, give away prizes, provide food, and have several different games for the students to play.  My organization served "mocktails" to the students attending.  The purpose for this event is to provide a safe and fun environment while teaching students a valuable lesson.  Every time a student ordered a "mocktail" we swiped their student ID to keep track of how many drinks they had.  Then, Campus Attraction members calculated the amount of drinks each student had as if they actually had alcohol in them in order to estimate the student's blood alcohol level.  This way students can learn before it is too late to be safe if they decide to drink by calling a friend, a cab, or just being aware of how much they consume.  I wanted to share this with everyone because I think it is a great learning event for students and I hope more colleges provide opportunities like this one. 

Tiffany Schulstad-Peterson
Miss Moorhead, 2010

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