Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sanford Children's Hospital

 On Thursday, October 28, I visited Sanford Children's Hospital in Fargo, ND.  Hillery Mork, the Children's Miracle Network Program Director (Sanford Children's Hospital, Fargo), gave me a wonderful tour of the hospital and informed me about what type of patients they help and special devices they use.  She is my local CMN  Liason between CMN and the Miss America Program.  In 2005, Hans Gilsdorf of Detroit Lakes, redesigned the environment of the hospital to make it more "kid friendly".  Alfunz, the mouse, greets the children when they enter the hospital and also responds to the letters children write him.  All the hallways have village themes throughout it and each room has the same signature clock.  The Children's hospital in Fargo is the only one in North Dakota.  They treat cancer patients, premature babies, and other infectious diseases.

Children's Miracle Network helps pay for many inexpensive and expensive things in hospitals across the country.  At Sanford in Fargo, the CMN money raised by me and many other people, pays for things as simple as toys, movies, DVD players and PlayStations, or as expensive as a Child Life Specialist, training, and fancy bubble IV machines that distract the children when they are being poked.  Training one flight nurse can cost $10,000 and that is why it is so crucial to have supporters and donors giving to Children's Miracle Network.  Keep encouraging people to donate as well as donating yourself! If you haven't already, I encourage you to visit a local Children's Hospital to learn what they provide for their patients. Children's Miracle Network is the national platform of the Miss America scholarship program and I have to raise at least $250 for the state level.  My goal is $500 though, and the money I raise goes directly to the Sanford Children's Hospital in Fargo.  Remember, I am still doing my Dine to Donate fundraiser with Perkins. Bring them into either, Fargo, Detroit Lakes, or Moorhead Perkins and the restaurant will donate 10% of your total bill to CMN! If you do not have a flyer, you can still tell them that you would like it to go to the CMN fundraiser. You can also make a secure donation at my online account. Click the link below and it will take you directly there.

Tiffany Schulstad-Peterson
Miss Moorhead 2010

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