Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 5: Bowling

Today was a more relaxed day, well besides the six hours of rehearsal at the theater! We started the day at the Original Pancake House for a wonderful breakfast. They have many flavors and types of pancakes to choose. Some ordered banana, pumpkin, buttermilk, potato, just to name a few different kinds. After breakfast it was off to the theater. All we did there was rehearse, rehearse, rehearse! I think the audience is really going to enjoy our opening number and if you do come to the show on Saturday, get up and dance with us! Bowling and pizza was tonight. It was a lot of fun playing with the girls and watching the reactions on everyone's face if they got a strike.  Today is a short blog, but I thought I should still update you with what is going on this week.

Breakfast with Miss Minnesota 2010!
Megan, Tiffany, Allison, & Kathryn

My bowling team!
Tiffany, Moriah, Kathryn, Kimberly, & Meghan

Barb really wants to be Miss Moorhead!

Tiffany Schulstad-Peterson
Miss Moorhead, 2010

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